
Play in North Ayrshire Survey


Play in North Ayrshire Survey

We are preparing a Play Sufficiency Assessment to assess the suitability of play opportunities in North Ayrshire. The assessment is required to inform North Ayrshire’s 3rd Local Development Plan, which will be based on an understanding of the needs and demand in the community.

What spaces are there to hang-out, play and have fun near to where I live

The places where we live and hang-out are important because they help us live healthy, happy lives and help us take care of the environment. When we have good outdoor spaces and places to hang-out, it makes us happy and healthy and helps us to spend time with friends and family. We want to find out more about what is important to you in the place where you live and hang-out. We are also asking parents, carers and anyone who has an interest in young people’s play opportunities to get involved.

We have prepared three surveys to collect responses.  One for Primary School aged pupils, one for Secondary School ages and one for Parents and Carers. 

Please feel free to share these surveys with as many people as possible.  We are collecting responses until 12th July 2024.  If you need more time, please email the team at lpd@north-ayrshire.gov.uk

You can fill out the survey by clicking the links below or by scanning the QR code on your smart device if you have one.  

Primary School Pupils https://forms.office.com/e/kS68dJvZf5

Secondary School Age https://forms.office.com/e/aigQhwt9bJ

A qr code on a screen 
Description automatically generated

Parent and Carer/ /Stakeholder - https://forms.office.com/e/MEddH0TFRG

We appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey